Laws of Favor

“Wisdom is the right application of knowledge, wisdom is not just acquiring knowledge, but knowledge properly applied.”

“Start doing it now, do not delay until tomorrow, if you wait for perfect conditions, you will not get anything done.”

You need favor; one day of favor is worth a thousand years of labor.

Favor creates acceleration. The favor factor cannot be shoved aside!

READ: Second Law of Favor: Packaging

Lack of favor will create unnecessary setbacks; it will elongate our journey. If we truly investigate the stories of truly great people, we will often see the trend of God’s favor somewhere that gave them a head way!

Dear Reader, you need favor; favor creates results and fulfillment in various areas of our lives. We even need favor with God, in our relationships, in our finances, businesses and career.

“Success is not an accident; quality is never an accident. It is a product of right principles applied. Nothing great happens by chance.”

Experiencing favor is not an accident, there are proven laws of favor. We are not just talking about experiencing favor once in a while but learning to grow in favor.

READ: Walk Over Disappointment and Discouragement

First Law of Favor: Faith: “What you believe is what you become. Thoughts are seeds. Your thinking pattern determines what you attract. Thoughts of failure leads to failure, thoughts of success lead to success.

One thing you must realize in the school of favor is that what you believe is what you become. Christianity is not a religion but rather a relationship that is meant to make the best out of you.

According to Paul, when you are saved you have become part of the Abrahamic blessing. We often sing about Abraham blessings are mine; yes, in Christ, Abraham blessings are yours. Now you belong to a line of favor!

This is important, Christianity is not a religion- no. I believe it’s God’s provision to liberate you and me from the clutches of darkness.

READ: Work on Your Attitude

Just like Abraham, Isaac and Jacob you are of a blessed lineage, no more to be hindered by natural routes or generational setbacks. Now you have the blessing of Abraham.

Be more conscious of this, this is your new heritage. You are free to fulfill destiny, now you are by destiny a child of faith. Let that sink in, let that shape your thinking pattern, let it affect your self-esteem.

You are favored; this is the starting point, because what you believe is what you will become!

“Favor creates increase and accelerated progress.”

Some things others attain in 10 years, favor can do it in five years. Am not talking about corruption or taking short-cuts- no! Am talking about God’s own kind of speed where certain processes and relationships organized by God’s grace will accelerate your life. It is possible; we have loads of business examples.

READ: The Mentality of Royalty

You’ve got to believe that your connection with God connects you to favor, in Christ we have the heritage of Abraham’s blessing.

That is not religion; no-it’s a grand access to God’s favor.

Now that you believe that you have favor, you must begin to take a step further by activating that favor.

I want to encourage you to ask for favor. Ask and it shall be given, seek and you will find, knock and the door shall be opened unto you.

Everyday can be a day of favor, if you don’t ask you won’t receive.

READ: A Vision of Prosperity

“Assumption is the lowest degree of intelligence; learn to ask God for favor today, as you step out to your place of business, office, you need to ask for favor.

As you go for that project, making a presentation and interview you need to ask for favor, what you ask is what you receive!

Ask God to give you favor, it can be the difference between light and darkness. Ask in faith, ask expectantly, and ask persistently.

Dis-favor will often create destiny stagnation, so don’t take this for granted.

There are people whose heart will be opened to you without seeking pay-back. God has the capacity to open and to close. If He opens someone’s heart to you, it’s the dawn of a new day.

I believe as you begin to ask you will see changes in every area of your life. These struggles and sweating will begin to reduce, and new doors will be opened to you.

READ: Winning Destiny Battles

Ask for favor.

Looking at the lives of great men in the scriptures, men like David, Joseph, Daniel, they had to enjoy God’s favor in order to fulfill destiny.

How much we need favor. Dear readers I encourage you this morning, ask God for favor before you step out on every issue that concerns you. Don’t take it for granted.

And then beyond asking for favor, I want to encourage you to learn to speak favor; many of us have cancelled out God’s blessings by the very words we speak.

Our words create or recreate our world, when we ask God for favor, he releases favor for us. But our confessions can cancel out what God has given.

READ: Rest and Sleep

If you cannot tame your tongue to speak right, you are not ready to achieve greatness!

You must learn to speak forth favor. Your words are seeds; your words will determine divine performance.

I can’t change you until I change your language, dear reader; I want you to mind your language.

In the school of favor, your words really matter; speak favor over your children, speak favor over your spouse, speak favor over your property, over your business and projects, don’t let the setbacks of the past hinder your desire for God’s favor today. Don’t speak the circumstance, speak the promise.

You are a child of favor.

READ: Failure is Not Final (Video)

I’ll like you to declare with me:

"I have favor, things are working well for me, I overcome every challenge. I have favor in my projects, I have favor all around me, I am not a struggler, I am a success, I am not backward, I am making progress, I enjoy accelerated progress. I live a life of fulfillment. I will achieve greatness."

You will have whatsoever you say, keep speaking it, don’t stop. As you say it you will see it. It is just a matter of time; I believe you will see favor in your life like you have never before.

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