Greatness is not a mystery

Scripture Reference: “He who is faithful in a very little (thing), is faithful also in much; and he who is dishonest and unjust in a very little (thing), is dishonest and unjust also in much” Luke 16:10 AMP.

There is no mystery about your future; it is the multiplication of today’s seed that puts your future in shape. We determine our future.

God wanted earth filled with people, male and female. He created the seeds, Adam and Eve. Their multiplication gave birth to God’s dream.

Jesus wanted to feed the five thousand, but He needed a seed (five loaves and two fishes), their multiplication gave birth to His dream.

Today creates tomorrow. Today’s opportunity, well handled, creates a beautiful future. Where are you today in your job, church or career? Does it look a little compared to your dream? - do not despair, and get set. See it as a God-given opportunity.

Do it excellently not to impress another man. Do it as unto the Lord. Be punctual, be honest, be faithful, knowing that whatsoever a man sows, that shall he also reap behoves us to know that we are the first prophets of our destinies, we prophesy through our daily deeds.

Let’s ensure that we create a good and great future through today’s opportunity. Daily digest: A slave can become a Prime Minister.

Prayer: Lord, let me see today, and each day as an opportunity to create a great future. Grant me the grace to live tuned to the creed of the covenant. Let me do to others as I desire to be treated. Thank you for your grace. I know I am strong, in Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Posted in Pastor Yemi Davids Messages


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