Home Remedies For Mosquito Bite Itch

When mosquitoes bite, they inject a proboscis, which looks like a tiny straw, to suck up tiny amounts of your blood and release anti-clotting agents. The immune system reacts by releasing histamine, which creates a small, itchy bump. In other words, what you know to be a mosquito bite is not the bite itself, but your body’s allergic reaction to substances that bite leaves behind.

While home fixes for mosquito bites allow you to avoid toxic pesticides, mosquito bites can be risky, too. Children are more susceptible to large and pesky mosquito bites than adults, and while most bites are harmless, some people have a severe, even life-threatening allergic reaction.
The best way to prevent mosquito bites naturally is to avoid the bugs themselves and know your own risk. Mosquitoes seem to be especially attracted to larger people and pregnant women. They are also attracted to sweet-smelling lotions and perfumes.

Know that some mosquito breeds prefer dawn and dusk, while others love the hottest times of the day. Steer clear of standing water, where mosquitoes breed and swarm, and cover up and wear light-colored long sleeves and pants when you’re near an infested area. If you can, try to sleep in an air-conditioned area (versus an open-air room), or consider putting mosquito netting around beds.

For immediate relief, try an antihistamine cream or stick to help the itch and swelling.

You probably don't have any at home, then go to you kitchen, and hold a refrigerated, dampened green tea bag on the bite, recommends skin and beauty expert Jessica Wu, MD, assistant clinical professor of dermatology at University of Southern California in Los Angeles, said,  "The cold helps soothe the itch, and compounds in the tea help with inflammation.”

See the list of home remedies for mosquito bite;

  1. Honey:
    Rub honey on bite spot. Honey contains antiseptic ingredient. According to Dr. Wu, “Honey has an antibacterial ingredient, so theoretically it could help prevent a bite from getting infected. But the sweetness could attract more bites!” 
  2. Bandage:
    Putting tape (or a bandage) on the bite will help remind you not to scratch, especially at night. If you scratch too hard, you could break the skin and introduce an infection.”
  3. Aloe vera:
    Since aloe vera has anti-inflammatory properties, this could help the itch. For even more relief, stash your aloe vera gel in the fridge, since the cold will also help with the itchiness.”
  4. Spirit/Alcohol, and Hand Sanitizer:
    Rubbing alcohol takes the itch away and the bite, too. Hand sanitizers work pretty well, and you don't need a lot.
  5. Pressing down on the bite: when you press down on the bite you cause some pain, this pain helps distract from itching, but son't press too hard, since breaking could lead to infection.  
  6. Soothing Basil:
    Basil has been shown to repel mosquitoes. It does have anti-inflammatory properties, which could help the swelling.
  7. Aspirin Paste:
    For stings, use crushed aspirin mixed with a smidge of water to make a paste that you can dab right on the sting. It takes the sting away immediately. According to Dr. Wu,  “Aspirin contains acetyl salicylic acid, which is anti-inflammatory. It doesn’t hurt to try.”
  8. A Swish of Listerine:
    According to Dr. Wu say, Listerine contains menthol, which cools the skin to help relieve itch.”
  9.  Use Odomos Mosquito Repellent: 
    Odomos protects the skin against mosquito bites for up to 8 hours. Odomos offers 100% protection against mosquito bites. Odomos personal application range offers protection not only inside the house but also when one is outdoors where the chances of getting bitten by disease-causing mosquitoes is very high.

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Source: Everyday Health

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