Warning To Nigerian Leaders

Category: City Pastor's Teachings

God has sent me to warn you of the dangers ahead if you refuse to repent of your sins and murderous acts. You have put many Nigerians into sorrow through your actions and inaction. Many people have suffered of sins they did not contribute towards. God is warning, He said if you refuse to change and amend your ways now, He himself will take over charge of things and free His people and choose a leader of His choice that will deliver the people of this nation from oppression.

He has chosen me as His prophet to sound this warning message to those who have the ears to listen.

He said in Ezekiel 34:2, “Son of man, prophesy against the shepherds, the leaders of Israel” (Leaders of Nigeria, politicians, false prophets and false teachers). He said, “Give them this message from the Sovereign Lord: What sorrow awaits you shepherds who feed yourselves instead of your flocks. Shouldn’t shepherds feed their sheep?”

You have enriched yourselves with the resources which the Lord Almighty has endowed His nation with, resources meant for the masses has been taken over by a few of you leaders leaving the poor suffering and dying.

“You drink the milk, wear the wool, and butcher the best animals, but you let your flocks starve. You have not taken care of the weak. You have not tended the sick or bound up the injured. You have not gone looking for those who have wandered away and are lost. Instead, you have ruled them with harshness and cruelty” Ezekiel 34: 4

Because of your wicked ruling, many people have run away from their destined nation to be peasants and beggars in other people’s nation. Nations that ordinarily Nigeria would have been able to feed because of our great mineral resources.

“So, my sheep (my people, Nigerians) have been scattered without a shepherd, and they are easy prey for any wild animal. (Yes, we have been wandering about in desperation, hunger and starvation, not knowing where the next meal will come from. Yet you spend billions on yourselves and families). They have wandered through all the mountains and all the hills, across the face of the earth, yet no one has gone to search for them” Ezekiel 34: 5-6

“Therefore, you shepherds (leaders, now particularly false and fake pastors), hear the word of the Lord: As surely as I live, says the Sovereign Lord, you abandoned my flock and left them to be attacked by every wild animal. And though you were my shepherds, you didn’t search for my sheep when they were lost. You took care of yourselves and left the sheep to starve. Therefore, you shepherds, hear the word of the Lord” Ezekiel 34:7-9

While Nigerians suffered through the looting of its leaders, pastors, prophets pretend as if everything is fine. They keep preaching prosperity gospel, no one is doing what prophet Elijah did, what Ezekiel did, what Jeremiah did, taking God’s message to the leaders to warn them of the disaster ahead. All they do is preach prosperity, fattening their pockets and flying in jets around.

“This is what the Sovereign Lord says: I now consider these shepherds my enemies and I will hold them responsible for what has happened to my flock, and I will stop them from feeding themselves. I will rescue my flock from their mouths; the sheep will no longer be their prey” Ezekiel 34: 10

This means that Nigerians will eventually be free from these stealing, looting and lying leaders at the helms of its affairs.

“I will search for my lost ones who strayed away, and I will bring them safely home again. I will bandage the injured and strengthen the weak. But I will destroy those who are fat and powerful. I will feed them, yes- feed them justice!” Ezekiel 34: 16

So, God’s judgment is at your door, it will happen sooner than you can imagine. The only way out now is true repentance. Not going to meet one prophet who doesn’t tell you the truth to pray for you. It will not yield any result because the punishment of God is coming, and His words are true forever. All you can do now is to repent.

“And as for you, my flock, this is what the Sovereign Lord says to his people: I will judge between one animal of the flock and another, separating the sheep from the goats. Isn’t it enough for you to keep the best of the pastures for yourselves? Must you also trample down the rest? Isn’t it enough for you to drink clear water for yourselves? Must you also muddy the rest with your feet? Ezekiel 34: 17 18

God is now saying that He will judge even all Nigerians, not just the leaders alone. He says he will separate the good people from the bad ones; he will separate those who out of what they are going through decide to become fraudsters, prostitutes, money ritualists, instead of waiting on Him.

Now to the leaders God is asking you, is it not enough that you have big houses, companies, large fleet of cars, with armed bodyguards? You are enjoying yourselves, controlling millions of dollars is that not enough? Will you also take the small left for the other millions of people to use so that they have nothing at all? The little electricity they are enjoying, you want to also take that away. The petroleum resources which made you people so rich, you again make the masses suffer before they can have little of it, when you have access to so much?

He said, “Why must my flock (my people) eat what you have trampled down and drink water you have fouled? Ezekiel 34: 19

Now listen to this and listen very carefully, any leader that is reading this; “Therefore, this is what the Sovereign Lord says: I will surely judge between the fat sheep and the scrawny sheep. For you fat sheep pushed and butted and crowded my sick and hungry flock until you scattered them to distant lands” Ezekiel 34: 20-21

“So, I will rescue my flock, and they will no longer be abused. I will judge between one animal of the flock and another. And I will set over them one shepherd, my servant David. He will feed them and be a shepherd to them. And I, the Lord, will be their God and my servant David will be a prince among my people. I, the Lord, have spoken! Ezekiel 34: 22- 24

So, listen carefully, God will choose a new leader that will free Nigerians from this slavery if these present leaders refuse to change their ways of leading as a matter of urgency. Look, I am not talking about the future, I am talking about now. Nobody is indispensable; God can deal with anyone the way He chooses.

If He can deal with Nebuchadnezzar and he became a beast and was rejected, if He was able to deal with Pharaoh one of the most powerful leaders in the world those days, then He surely can deal with any Nigerian leader who refuse to repent now.

That is what the Lord has sent me to inform you Nigerian leaders. Sit amongst yourselves today; hold an urgent meeting on the way forward for this country. Enough of the milking of resources, the spirit of many suffering people is crying to the Lord and the Lord is about to take vengeance by Himself.

If you are wise enough, instead of being bothered about this writer, you will quickly start calling all your truly wise men together, I don’t mean those also looking for every avenue to milk resources, I mean honest men who will tell you the truth and the way to go.

That was what usually happen in the days of the children of Israel, when they have gone astray, the leaders run to a true prophet of God who will seek the face of God to get an answer, now is the time to search for that person or else the Lord will choose the person by himself.

God bless Nigeria!

CITY Pastor

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