Blessings on God's People

Category: City Pastor's Teachings

Now that you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and savior, all your troubles are over in Jesus name. Read the promises of God concerning all that pertains to you.

“Then you will know that, I the Lord your God, live in Zion, my holy mountain. Jerusalem will be holy forever, and foreign armies will never conquer her again.” Joel 3:17

Yes, now that you have Jesus Christ as your Lord and savior never again will your enemies overcome you. You are now a conqueror and over-comer. You have the power to overcome all obstacles and overwhelming circumstances, amen!

“In that day the mountains will drip with sweet wine, and the hills will flow with milk. Water will fill the stream-beds of Judah, and a fountain will burst forth from the Lord’s Temple, watering the arid valley of acacias. But Egypt (your enemies) will become a wasteland (nothing, worthless) and Edom will become a wilderness, because they attacked the people of Judah (because they attacked a child of God) and killed innocent people in their land” Joel 3:18-19
“But Judah (A child of God, a Born-Again Christian, a true believer of God) will be filled with people forever, and Jerusalem will endure through all generations. I will pardon my people’s crimes, which I have not yet pardoned; and I, the Lord, will make my home in Jerusalem with my people” Joel 3:20-21

So when you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and savior, God says, He will pardon your sins forever and your name will not be blotted away from His Book of life. He said he will pardon your sins which He had not before now, praise the Lord!

You will lack nothing, but your enemies will suffer lack, you will have abundance but your enemies will not have anything. This is the word of the Lord. 

Praise God.

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