A Just Person Will Be Satisfied

Category: City Pastor's Teachings

Matthew 5:6 “God blesses those who hunger and thirst for justice, for they will be satisfied.”

It is good to fight for justice and rights of others.

Before I understood this bible portion, I use to think those “Human Rights Activist” are just fighting a “Cause” of their own.

But my understanding now is different; fighting for justice was one of the commissions given by Jesus Christ to His followers.

In Matthew 5:6 while teaching his followers, Jesus said “God blesses those who hunger and thirst for justice, for they will be satisfied” (NLT)

So when you are someone who is after justice always irritated by wrongdoings, disliking corruption, seeking for the prosecution of corrupt leaders, then God is pleased with your “Cause” and He blesses you.

When you fight for the rights of the less privileged, the widows, the orphans, and poor people, God is pleased and He blesses you.

When God blesses you, your business progresses, and your health is sound and you get favor everywhere.

I encourage you to start a “Cause” from today, something you will be willing to defend even with your life.

Even Jesus Christ was killed on the cross of Calvary because he defended and fought for justice for the whole humanity, to deliver humanity from slavery and bondage.

From today as you continually seek for justice, God will bless your cause in Jesus name; you will prosper and be enriched in your businesses in Jesus name, Amen.

Notice: Unless otherwise indicated, all scripture quotation are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation.

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God bless you.

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