Don’t Do Your Good Deeds Publicly (Matthew 6:1-2)

Category: City Pastor's Teachings

We already know that giving has rewards. Various religious thoughts have explained why and how giving is rewarded!

Quotes like, “It is more blessed to give than to receive”, “A giver never lacks”, “Give and it shall be given unto you” are all common to various schools of thoughts.

Therefore, we cannot undermine the importance of giving.

However, Jesus makes us understand better how we can receive when we give and how we should give.

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In Matthew 6:1, Jesus said we should not give like the hypocrites. The hypocrites want to be noticed in everything they do. When they give, they broadcast their giving so that the whole world can know and praise them.

Jesus said to his disciples, “Watch out! Don’t do your good deeds publicly, to be admired by others, for you will lose the reward from your Father in heaven” Matthew 6:1

As much as there is reward for giving, some people already earned their reward by themselves without waiting for God, who is the “Rewarder” to reward them.

READ: What You Need to Know About Giving Offering

The praise they receive by publicly showing off their giving is the only reward they will get for that act of giving.

For instance, as a philanthropist, you give out to people in need and every time you give out, it is broadcasted on the National TV and every media. You get praised by people and even receive national awards. That is the best you will get as reward.

But if you are a great giver, every day, you set aside some things, money, gifts, clothes etc. for people in need, the less privileged, people along the streets, beggars on the road. Every time you do this, no one sees you; neither are you expecting anyone to praise you for the act, in that sense!

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God sees it and God bless you for it, the Bible in Matthew 6: 2 says, “When you give to someone in need, don’t do as the hypocrites do- blowing trumpets, in the synagogues and streets to call attention to their acts of charity! I tell you the truth; they have received all the reward they will ever get.”

Yes, they gave but the motive is for them to be praised. When you help your brother/sister, you don’t need to broadcast it. If you do, that is all the reward you will get, the praise from people.

Am not saying people cannot see you when you render help, no, what I am saying is that your motive shouldn’t be for people to notice your giving.

READ: Are You A True Child of God?

Jesus said, if you render help in secret that God will reward you. The reward doesn’t necessarily have to be money. It can be good health, business prosperity, financial growth, peace and all of it together.

“But when you give to someone in need, don’t let your left hand know what your right hand is doing. Give your gifts in private, and your Father, who sees everything, will reward you” Matthew 6: 3-4

I think that is better and counts more than anything else, God’s reward!

I pray that God give unto us the better understanding of His teachings, in Jesus' name, amen.

READ: Importance of Good Offering!

God bless you.

CITY Pastor

Notice: Unless otherwise indicated, all scripture quotation is taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation

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