Where Are The True Men of God?

By Frosbel
This is an earnest word of warning, addressed to the children of God worldwide. It comes from a common man to the common people in all sorts of groups and congregations scattered everywhere across the earth.

From ancient times God has cried out against so called under-shepherds who plundered and ravaged His people. Always, in every generation, there have been insidious imposters, who pretending to be true shepherds, were in fact predators in disguise. In cunning craftiness they have posed as legitimate leaders, while at the same time tearing to pieces God’s little flock.

READ: How to Recognize a True Pastor


The greatest threat to the church of Jesus Christ in the world today is not from without, as so many suppose, but rather from its own leadership within. IF THERE IS TO BE SPIRITAL AWAKENING IN THE PEW, IT MUST FIRST BEGIN IN THE PULPIT!

For a number of years now there has been a growing inner compulsion to cry to my own generation about this peril in our pulpits. Very often when the concern was shared with others, the response has been less than encouraging. Some have stated rather bluntly that such a note of alarm is too negative, too disturbing, and perhaps even too divisive.

READ: Sierra Leone Pastors That Will Go To Hell- Sister Linda

In this connection a brief comment needs to be made about the phrase, “predators in our pulpits.” Modern day pulpits take many forms. They are much more than just the podium in a church sanctuary. There are television programs, radio broadcasts, publishing houses, printing presses, home Bible study groups, church retreats, evangelistic campaigns, and other church-related activities. In scores of ways and in thousands of different places all sorts of people are provided with a platform or “pulpit” from which to promulgate their ideas and exert their leadership.

In spite of all the grandiose claims made in recent years about the condition of the church worldwide, the fact remains that God’s people are in reality still only a “little flock”. A part of the reason that so many stumble down the broad road to destruction is simply that they have been led there by false teachers and perilous preachers.”

Culled from Zero Hour Plus

READ: Message For The False Prophets

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