Importance of Offering

Category: City Pastor's Teachings

Genesis 30:14, All who have reached their twentieth birthday must give this sacred offering to the Lord.

Genesis 30: 15, When this offering is given to the Lord to purify your lives (offering is for purification), making you right with him.

The Use of Offering

Genesis 30:16, Receive this ransom money from Israelites, and use it for the care of the tabernacle. It will bring the Israelites to the Lord's attention, and it will purify your lives.

READ: Are You A True Child of God?

So when you give offering, you bring yourself to be noticed by God and get purified.

In Genesis 9:3, God gave everything on earth to man, He said, "Every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you; even as the green herb I have given you all things."

One should however not eat anything that contains blood. (See that in verse 5)

READ: 'Pastors Should Not Force Members To Give Offering'- T.B. Joshua

Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed; for in the image of God made he man (verse 6), so you must not kill anybody for any reason.

So aside giving offering to be purified, if you kill a man, you can never be purified.

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