Woman Fakes Cancer to get £15,000 Wedding Ceremony From Charity

A woman has been described as the lowest of the low as notes emerged as she tried to trick a small charity into paying for the renewal of her vows.

Wish Upon a Wedding offered to organize a £15,000 ceremony for Carla Evans, 29, who pretended to have cancer. She claimed she had bladder and thyroid cancer, and liver and kidney failure. Evans wrote online that she was dying and needed help and her posts were seen by Karen Hobbs, a volunteer from the charity who was taken in by her lies.

All the charity wanted in return was £500 towards the cost and proof of her diagnosis. However, a forged NHS letter from a hospital consultant at the Royal Gwent Hospital raised alarm bells and Mrs Hobbs launched turned private detective before contacting police.

Even when the police arrived at her home, Evans continued to lie and said she had a liver condition and required dialysis. When interviewed by police, she first denied forging the letter from the consultant but later admitted she had done.

Prosecutor Emma Harris said the cost of Evans’s ceremony would have been £15,000 but there was no actual monetary loss to the charity because of the deception.

She read a statement from Mrs Hobbs in which she said she can no longer trust people and had given up her charity work.

She said: ‘Carla had all my attention and trust, and I became very close to Carla and treated her as a friend. ‘She told me what she had gone through and I confided in her. I know how my children felt when they thought I was dying. I was hoping to make memories for her family.

Posted in World News


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