Judgment Day

Judgment day is the last day of the world when all people will be judged by God for what they have done. Both those who have done well and those that did badly will be judged. Anything that is bad is Sin.

One of the major reasons why people sin is Pride, Isaiah said in the book of Isaiah chapter 2:11-12 (NLT). “Human pride will be brought down, and human arrogance will be humbled. Only the Lord will be exalted on that Day of Judgment. For the Lord of Heaven’s Armies has a day of reckoning. He will punish the proud and mighty and bring down everything that is exalted”

What is pride?, a feeling that you are proud of something that you or someone connected with you has achieved. It was pride that brought down Lucifer also known as the devil from heaven. Lucifer was one of God’s best angels, the head of the choir before his fall. He was a very beautiful creature, but when his pride made him revolt against God, he became a very ugly creature and was sent down away from the glory of heavens. Pride leads to all kinds of sins; adultery, fornication, stealing, and cheating.

Disobedient people will also be judged on the Judgment day. Those who deliberately disobey the Commandments of God. John in John 12: 48 said “But all who reject me and my message will be judged on the Day of Judgment by the truth I have spoken” (NLT)

God will also judge all secrets. Many of us have secrets we keep. Some is about the wayward lifestyles we live which we try to conceal from people; we keep secrets like fornication, adultery, stealing and many more, all the sins which we have been warned against in the bible.

Romans 2: 16 (NLT) says, “And this message I proclaim- that the day is coming when God, through Christ Jesus, will judge everyone’s secret life.

This connote that there is nothing which we do under the sun that is hidden from God and on the judgment day He will judge us and bring everything to open, exposing our deeds before all men.

The Day of Judgment will be a terrible day for those who refuse to obey the words of the Lord. Isaiah described the Day of Judgment in Isaiah 2:14-17 (NLT), “He will level all the high mountains and all the lofty hills. He will break down every high tower and every fortified wall. He will destroy all the great trading ships and every magnificent vessel. Human pride will be humbled, and human arrogance will be brought down. Only the Lord will be exalted on that Day of Judgment.

Now let me ask you, what is the use of our lives? Solomon in Ecclesiastes 1:2(NLT) said, “Everything is meaningless”, “completely meaningless!”

This present world even our lives are only but for a while, everything will pass away. People die every day; we all will die someday, regardless of how old we live. But one thing that will remain forever is eternity.

And let me tell you that we in the last days. Isaiah described the last days; “the mountain of the Lord’s house will be the highest of all – the most important place on earth. It will be raised above the other hills, and people from all over the world will stream there to worship” Isaiah 2:1-2 (NLT).
We have churches all over the world that are bigger than lots of corporate organization’s headquarters. The Redeemed Christian Church of God for instance has over 1.2 million registered members (baptized in Redeem church). The Redeemed Christian church of God in the last year’s redemption camp hosted over 5 million people. There is hardly any street in Lagos city where you won’t find a redeemed church branch, sometimes even more than one branch on a street. Isn’t that awesome! There are several churches in Nigeria and all over the world with great buildings and large members.

The prophecy of the Lord is indeed true and it can never be faulted. We are indeed in the end times.

How can you escape judgment?

The bible says both the good and the bad will be judged, those who do good will live in eternity with God, while those who perpetrate evil will be condemned to eternal hell. We must first be saved, renounce our sins obey the words of God.

It’s not all about what you think is right or wrong; you must first confirm all what the bible has said about everything. The bible is so interesting that has outlined the things oath to do or not do. We have the guidelines to live our lives all stated in the bible. It can be found in various aspects of the bible. There are normal laws we must observe daily while we also have others like marriage laws.

To escape judgment of hell we must adhere strictly to these laws and guidelines stated in the bible.

If you can observe all these laws and guidelines to living, then you won’t be found wanting on the Day of Judgment.

Always bear in mind that everything which the human race currently boasts of is only for a while. Judgment day is a terrible day for those who will not meet God’s requirements. Hear what Isaiah said, “God will level all the high mountains and all the lofty hills. He will break down every high tower and every fortified wall. He will destroy all the great trading ships and every magnificent vessel. Human pride will be humbled and human arrogance will be brought down. Only the Lord will be exalted on that day of judgment” Isaiah 2:14-17 (NLT)

Idols will completely disappear. When the Lord rises to shake the earth, His enemies will crawl into holes in the ground. They will hide in caves in rocks from the terror of the Lord and the glory of His majesty” Isaiah 2: 18-19 (NLT)

If you are not yet save then you are not safe. You need Jesus Christ as your Lord and personal savior and you will find God’s grace and inherit eternal life.

Notice: Unless otherwise indicated, all scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation (NLT).

Posted in Daily Inspirational

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