Owo Soup

Ingredients needed

Palm nut, dried fish, bush meat, snails, crab, pepper, hot water, crayfish, onions, ikrabo, belite, seasoning, salt and atako.

Method of preparation

Boil the palm nut for about 10 minutes. Mash with hand or pound with mortar, mix it with hot water and sieve out oily liquid, and boil. Wash and cut the meat into pieces, remove bones from the fish, wash the snails with salt and alum and add all into the pot on fire. Stir and allow to boil for 15 minutes. Add crabs, grinded crayfish and belete, atako, pepper, onions, shrimps, seasoning and allow to boil for 5 minutes, and then add salt to taste. Serve with egwobobo or stash.

Posted in Food & Cooking


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