Nigerian Woman, Franca Asemota Being Extradited to the UK For Trafficking of Minors (Pictures)
Category: World News

Franca Asemota from Benin, Edo State, who is currently facing trial on charges of human trafficking and sexual exploitation, is pictured at the airport being extradited to the UK earlier this year.
The 38-year-old was on August 3rd found guilty of eight counts of conspiracy to traffic people into sexual exploitation by a jury at Isleworth Crown Court. Ms Asemota forced dozens of teenage orphans into prostitution and slavery using the threat of witchcraft.
Known to her victims as 'Auntie Franca', she used Heathrow as a hub
to traffic at least 40 girls and young women into Europe from remote
villages in Nigeria. She promised them jobs, education and a better
life, then used 'witchcraft', threats and violence to force them in to
the European sex trade.
See more pictures below..

Source: Daily Mail
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