54-Year-Old Man Kills Three His Tenants Over Unpaid Rent

A 54-year-old landlord has k!lled 3 of his tenants inside a home in Queens on Tuesday over unpaid rent.
A Queens landlord stabbed his girlfriend and two tenants to d3ath, then walked into an NYPD stationhouse and confessed he “did something bad” Tuesday, police officials said.
David Daniel, 54, showed up at the 113th Precinct stationhouse at around 7:15 a.m. and told an officer that he was “having issues” with his tenants, who were late on their rent, according to NYPD officials.
“I did something bad,” he allegedly said.
“At that point, a lieutenant at the desk hears what’s going on, walks over and activates his body-worn camera,” NYPD Chief of Detectives Joseph Kenny recounted later Tuesday.
Daniel “said that he killed three people, and he gave the location and that he left the backdoor open,” Kenny told reporters.
The alleged killer appeared “calm” as he gave cops the address of his home on Millburn Street, a pale green clapboard-style single-family house in the St. Albans neighborhood.
Officers then raced to the home on the quiet, leafy dead-end street — where they made the gruesome discovery.
The lifeless body of the accused killer’s girlfriend was found in an upstairs bedroom in the home, cops said.
The tenants — a man and a woman — were found together face-up in a basement bedroom, according to police officials.
In his alleged confession, Daniel told cops “that he had problems with his girlfriend and that the two [people] in the basement had not been paying their rent,” Kenny said.
It’s unclear how long the tenants had been living there and how far behind on rent they were.
Daniel “didn’t appear to be bloody” when he showed up at the stationhouse, Kenny said, describing his demeanor there as “very matter of fact.”
“He just wanted to tell his story,” Kenny said.
The names and ages of the victims were not made public, as cops were still working to notify their families of their deaths, Kenny said.
“It’s still under investigation,” the chief said. “We’re still executing search warrants. We’re still making notifications to victims’ families and that’s where we’re at right now.”
Daniel was arrested and charged with murder, Kenny said.
He has no criminal record, and cops said there was no history of 911 calls to his address.
Police said the murder weapon had not yet been recovered.
“He seemed like a calm, nice person,” said a neighbor who only identified herself as Teri, describing Daniel as usually “very polite” and saying she was “in shock” over the slayings.
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