New York Post Releases Racy Photos Of Melania Trump
Category: World News

More modelling photos of Donald Trump's wife, Melania have been
released. In one of the photos, she was in a nude frolic with another
female model. The lesbian-themed pics are from a two-day photo shoot in
Manhattan in 1995, when Melania Knauss, as she was called, was 25 years
old and modeling under the name “Melania K.”
The raciest of the photos shows Melania lying nude in a bed as
Scandinavian model Emma Eriksson, also naked, embraces her from behind,
just below her breasts, which are fully exposed.
In another photo, Eriksson wears sheer stockings, a low-cut bustier,
high heels and a long robe, while Melania is more conservatively dressed
in a skin-tight gown and high heels.

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