Motivational Quotes About Success

“Before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself. When you become a leader, success is all about growing others”

“Every failure brings with it the seed of an equivalent success” Napoleon Hill1. “In order to succeed, you must know what you are doing, like what you are doing and believe in what you are doing” Will Rogers. 

“It’s easier to move from failure to success than from excuses to success” 

“Success will not come to you where you are, you have to go to where it is” Sam Adeyemi 

“There is no one that has ever succeeded without thinking” Sam Adeyemi 

“You can never have riches in great quantities unless you can work yourself into a white heat of desire for money, and actually believe you will possess it” 

A good heart combined with excellent packaging determines your level of success 

A good heart combined with excellent packaging determines your success. 

Discipline is the key to success. It is distinction, the guarantee for dignity, and the key to relevance.- Bishop Oyedepo 

Give a man a purpose, he will be committed; get him committed, and he will be creative; if creative, he becomes productive, when productive, he becomes successful, and when outstandingly successful, he becomes impactful! – Bishop David Oyedepo 

Just any dummy can succeed, if he cares to know what it takes- Zig Ziglar 

Make your brain work. It will sweat, but make it work. It will improve, it will develop; until you become the envy of those around you- Erv Kenyon 

No one succeeds by accident 

Success is making the world around you better than you met it- Pastor Chris 

The bigger your capacity to bless, the greater the level to which you will be blessed.- Dr. Oyedepo
The most important single ingredient in the formula of success is knowing how to get along with people- Theodore Roosevelt 

You are not a failure until you look for who to blame for it 

You cannot pour yourself into your work and not be successful- President of Daewoo
“I discover a long time ago that you have to give up to go up… you have to release to be successful… you can’t climb to the top carrying all that stuffs with you! Let it go! But then… travel light and you will travel fast” John Maxwell 

"To be human is to have doubts, but I also want you to know that with the negative emotions of doubts u need to bring alongside the positive emotions such as faith, and here is the key to success. Not that u ever will remove all the negative emotions from your life... here is the key: The positive emotions such as faith and confidence has to be stronger than the negative emotions and if the positive emotions is stronger than the negative emotions- you will go with the positive emotions such as if the negative is stronger than the positive emotions, u go negative. So you will always have to have a little bit of war within you- that's okay! Okay- just feed the positive emotions until they begin to win over the negative ones. You will never remove doubts but you can move away from your doubts" John Maxwell
Successful people can bring life to themselves when surrounding people wants to suck it out. Encourage yourself today, don’t let anyone discourage you from your vision 

When I think of people who are successful, this is the word they love; they want to achieve something; and yet it's a word that requires some amount of discipline and focus. We don’t achieve anything meaningful and commendable if we don’t give ourselves time to commitment, to focus and discipline to do that

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