My Encounter With The Lion and Boa

From what I heard from the other tourists, the hill had not yet been explored. It was in a small town, somewhere in the South-west of the country. I was told that the people of the town don't go near the hills because it was a sacred place. And for centuries the hills had not been explored, not even by the white man.

I think there are other folk-tales about the town apart from the hill. I remember over-hearing two men the day we arrived, talking about some of the unusual things in the village like wild animals and ghosts. One particular belief that interested me is the myth about lion mating when it is raining and sunny at the same time.

The people believe that whenever it is sunny and rain falls then a lion is mating somewhere.

One man told the other, “A new lion is being given birth to today" I was walking on a street to my residence and there were lots of the villagers outside. They were discussing the weather.

Some kids playing on the road also talked about the weather, the older boy told the younger, "Do you know that a lion has been given birth to?"

“How did you know?” the younger boy asked

"I should better be going home then, lions are dangerous" One little girl told her sister. The sister asked her if she thought such stories are real.

"When it rains and the sun shines at the same time, a lion is mating" The first boy that spoke told them.

Now I was sitting all by myself on the hills thinking about all I heard and how I could possibly develop a good story from it for my editor. I wrapped some skunk in a paper and lit it. Looked up into the sky and saw birds flying from one tree to the other, as crickets sang in the woods, it was the best form of inspiration I needed.

I let smoke into my lungs, inhaling deeply before letting it out. I was thinking of what to write about, but I was unable to think up a good story. It was one of my unusual days. I sighed as I noticed that the smoke was off.

After lighting the smoke I sat back tired, now I was getting really high, ideas was beginning to flow in like visions. I still don't understand why the so many fusses about weeds, until people discover the glorious feeling of being high on weeds, they won’t ever get to know how good it is. I smiled at the misinformation!

To enable my imagination get better I decided to go farther into the hills; maybe I would pick up more things of interest. With my notepad in my pocket, and a stick of my marijuana in my hand I walked al alone in the hill. I got to a part of the hill which was colder than where I was coming from. There was a big stone there and I thought it was a good place for me to sit and relax. Just as I was about to sit down, I saw a hanging lake a distance way and walked over to it. The water in the lake was boiling. I mean that was a miracle. Water boiling by itself, I didn't touch it; apart from the fact that it was a boiling water I have a strong phobia for water.

From what I was told, no one had been up the hill that means the lake has not been discovered. I smiled as I thought of being named after the lake. The name Lake Dave crept to my mind, why not, I thought. I was the first to discover it; I should be given the credit.

The camcorder's lens pushed out as I pressed the button. I took shots after shots of the lake, taking a few notes into my notepad too. I was not in hurry to leave not after my discovery. This will give my editor so much to work to do, I thought as I scribbled down notes. It was getting to seven at night and it seems it would be a longer night. It was becoming interesting than I thought.

You know, when my editor told me I would be traveling he insisted I should come back with a good story. Now I have a good story. I smiled at the thought of the mating lion. Hmm! When it rains and the sun shines, then a lion is mating, I laughed.

I wrapped my second smoke getting excited at how much my story would sell. I needed to think over everything I had seen. I did a quick paraphrase of the story. It was becoming dark and I had no light with me. After dragging in my last smoke, I stood up, adjusted the lens of the camcorder again and turned on the flash to capture images clearly in the dark.

As I focused the camera on the lake something appeared on the screen of the camcorder that looked like a boa, it was about the length of a grown man. The camera almost fell out of my hand and I quickly shut down the lid, I looked into the lake with my own eyes but didn't see anything, maybe I was high and was beginning to see things, I think it was time to start going home

Then I heard the roaring of a lion. I looked up, across the lake, not far from where I was standing was a lion! The lion was staring at me daringly, and then roared again. Something hissed just above my head and when I looked up it was a black boa about the size of a grown man.

That was what the camcorder had earlier picked; it slipped out of the tree as I started running. I ran very fast, I didn't know I could run that fast. I was running back the direction I came; I didn't care if I fall down or if something hits me. I didn't care about going back with a good story for my editor anymore; all I cared about was my safety, nothing else.

I heard the lion roared again and again, but didn't bother to look behind to see what was happening. I was becoming tired and breathing hard. Maybe I won’t make it. Then I felt something held my leg to the ground, I screamed and tried to get myself off the ground. My mouth was moving, but no sound came out of it. Then I woke up. 
I was sitting at the bottom of the hill trying to get use to the weather of the new town. I regret not coming with my walk-man; I would have been enjoying music while sitting in a place like this. Music is one thing that really keeps me going. Maybe my family is another thing which keeps me going but they can become boring too, but music never gets boring.

Categories: Short Stories & Articles

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